‘Trash is for Tossers (say NO to trash)’ is the blog of Lauren Singer who is trying to live a zero
waste life in the heart of New York City.
She is sharing her journey towards this excellent goal, although I
suspect it is going to be a tough one. She has one great quote ‘I really
decided that I not only needed to claim to love the environment, but actually live like
I love the environment’. She also gives two
really interesting and helpful definitions:
Waste …’a point
source, meaning it is discarded by its holder with intent of it going to
landfill. Trash is anything a person plans to throw away or anything a person
deems obsolete that is then discarded in a manner where it will not be intended
for re-purposing or reuse even if it unknowingly will be at some point in the
future. ‘
Zero Waste means that I do not produce any garbage. No
sending anything to landfill, no throwing anything in a trash can, nothing.
However, I do recycle and I do compost.
Lauren is really on the right path here and I for one will
be following her journey and learn from her experiences.
Nick Gray