This blog was originally based on a course ran by Professor Nick Gray of the Trinity Centre for the Environment at Trinity College Dublin who also wrote a textbook for the module Facing up to global warming: What is going on and what you can do about it. Now working as an independent consultant, Nick continues to work in the area of environmental sustainability and looking at ways of making a difference without recriminations or guilt. Saving the planet is all about living sustainably.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Visualization of methane emissions from cattle
new imaging technique, developed by a team led by Dr Magnus Gålfalk at the Linköping
University in Sweden and described in Nature Climate Change, allows us to see for the first time where it is being
generated. The video shows methane emissions (shown in purple and
green) escaping from a vent in barn of housing 18 cows. This is a major step forward in our management of greenhouse gas emissions from landfill, agriculture, wastewater treatment and any other potential source of the gas.
Find out more about methane at:
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Action Day at COP21 - Today everyone is invited to start taking action to control global warming
Today is Action Day at COP21 in Paris. Today everyone is invited to start taking
action to control global warming.
Our book Facing up to Global Warming: What is Going on and How You Can Make a Difference? published by Springer and launched for COP21 by Professor Nick Gray of the Trinity Centre for the Environment explores what global warming is, how it affects climate and importantly how we can deal with. It is a challenge that everyone needs to be a part of. So on this day of action make a pledge to do your part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by examining how you can minimize waste without compromising how you want to live.
Twitter @Nickgraytcd
Twitter @Nickgraytcd
Friday, December 4, 2015
Follow COP21 live
This year the UN climate talks (COP21) are taking place in Paris from the 30th
November to 11th December. The aim is to achieve a legally binding and
universal agreement on climate with the aim of keeping global warming below 2
degrees C. There will be an estimated 50,000 participants including 25,000
official delegates. For those attending the aim is to stimulate interactions
during the conference between the negotiators and representatives of Civil
Society. Of course the remaining 7 billion of us won't be able to attend the conference, but thanks to the UN we will be able to follow the conference live at
More information of global warming and climate change
Posted Nick Gray
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
90% of seabirds have consumed plastic
![]() |
. Photograph: Chris Jordan/Midway: |
Our litter and waste has reached a new level of disbelief with a
new study showing that upto 90% of seabirds will have ingested plastic items
they have mistaken for food. A report in the Guardian has highlighted
their work link. Their results can be seen in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
We still haven’t learnt as our production of platics in the past
11 years exceeds the amount produced since it was first produced in the 1950s.But something is
being done and new a new collection boom is
hoping to start removing larger material soon.
You can help right now by picking up litter that will find its way eventually into the sea.
Posted: Nick Gray
Twitter @Nickgraytcd
Friday, November 13, 2015
Major Greenland glacier victim to global warming
A NASA funded project has
identified that the massive Zachariae Isstrom, that represents 5% of the total
Greenland ice sheet, broke loose from a stable position in 2012 started a phase
of accelerated retreat. The glacier
drains ice from an area of 35,440 square miles (91,780 square kilometers), that
is enough water to raise global sea level by more than 18 inches (46
centimeters) if it were to melt completely. The bottom of Zachariae Isstrom is
being rapidly eroded by warmer ocean water mixed with growing amounts of
meltwater from the ice sheet surface. Currently it is now losing 5 billion tons
of ice and water every year into the North Atlantic Ocean. Jeremie Mouginot, an
assistant researcher in the Department of Earth System Science at the
University of California, Irvine who has published this study in Science says
that the result of this glacier breaking up and calving high volumes of
icebergs into the ocean, will result in rising sea levels for decades to come. Full report Link
Adjacent to this is another large
glacier Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden which is melting at a slower rate, but together
they make up 12% of the Greenland ice sheet, so together they will raise sea
levels by more than 39 inches (99 centimeters) if they completely melt.
NASA has a new project -
Oceans Melting Greenland- which is monitoring ocean conditions around
To find out more about global warming and what you can do about it visit
Posted Nick Gray
Tweet @Nickgraytcd
Friday, October 16, 2015
World Food Day
Today is World Food Day which highlights the urgent issue of chronic hunger and promotes positive action through events in some 150 countries. Follow the action on the web or on Twitter
About 795 million people are undernourished globally, down 167 million over the last decade, and 216 million less than in 1990–92. The decline is more pronounced in developing regions, despite significant population growth. In recent years, progress has been hindered by slower and less inclusive economic growth as well as political instability in some developing regions, such as Central Africa and western Asia.
Read more in the latest FAO Report The State of Food Insecurity in the World
Posted : Nick Gray
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Living Sustainably in the centre of New York
It is not easy living sustainably but one of my personal hero’s,
Lauren Singer, does just that…right in the centre of New York. This video is by Alessandra Potenza who has
made this video for The New York Times Upfront (issue Oct. 12th
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Aviation fuel use set to rocket despite better engine efficiency
Greenhouse gas emissions from commercial air travel is a major contributor to global warming emitting approximately 700 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2012 alone.
A new report from the International Council on
Clean Transportation (icct) (
Fuel efficiency trends for new commercial jet aircraft: 1960 to 2014 has
explored the fuel efficiency in relation to UN targets.
It shows that aviation fuel use, including military
aircraft, quadrupled between 1960 and 2006.
While most countries are agreeing to 80% reductions in emissions by 2050,
aviation fuel use is expect to increase by 300% over the same period. The report explores how efforts to increase
fuel efficiency of aircraft is continuing having already achieved an annual
rate of reduction of 1.3% since 1968. Between 1968 and 2014 the average fuel burn of new aircraft fell
approximately 45%, or a compound annual reduction rate of 1.3%. However, the efficiency of new
aircraft are still a decade behind the United Nations’ fuel efficiency goals
for new aircraft.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Facing Up To Global Warming Published
Facing Up To Global Warming: what is going on and how you can make a difference?
In 1972, a startling
book was published called Limits
to Growth .
This book became hugely influential in the environmental movement, and while it
alerted us to the fragility of our future on planet Earth, it also, inadvertently,
helped to eventually undermine the credibility of environmentalism. The book
predicted when certain non-renewables, including fossil fuels and metals, would
become exhausted. The predictions were based on the best available knowledge at
that time, but what it never envisaged in the early 1970’s, was that within a
decade humans would be extracting oil, gas, and minerals in some of the
remotest, extreme, and fragile places on Earth … a process that has continued
and expanded to the present day. So the predictions proved incorrect in
practice, but it reinforced the idea that all resources are limited and are
slowly being exhausted.
This book became a
driving force for many environmental scientists who realized that we have to
act both collectively and individually to preserve our home, planet Earth, with
its unique biosphere and which is home to millions of different living
organisms of which we are just one species. For me personally, being an environmental
scientist has been a long and often disappointing journey and at various times
I have been shocked, scared, and often depressed by the unfolding of the current
crisis which is so intertwined with global warming. But, to my surprise, in recent
years I have begun to feel more hopeful that perhaps we can deal with our climate
and resource problems to create a sustainable planet. So in this book, I have attempted
to explain what the problems are and suggest some solutions. However, the book
comes with a warning. During the 15 chapters that follow, I am going to make a
lot of you really annoyed and possibly upset, I apologize in advance. I am not
trying to shock; I am simply putting the facts before you so that you can make up
your own mind. Neither am I telling anyone that their lifestyle is wrong, or alternatively,
that they are better than the next person because they have invested in green
energy or a hybrid car. The book is an overview; it is not a text on the theory
of sustainability or population dynamics; it simply looks at what the
individual should know and addresses some of the issues closest to our everyday
There are hundreds
of academic and specialist texts on sustainability, but they fail to link sustainability
to tackling global warming, especially at the individual level. Adopting any
form of sustainable actions in your life will cause significant effects both
direct and indirect. Such actions will lead to changes that will influence
economic and social norms … so sustainability if properly applied will mean
socio economic change. I begin the text by giving a brief overview of the
problems of climate change and the real difficulties that having such a rapidly
growing population is placing on the idea of a sustainable and equitable
planet. Discussions on population is always a very emotive issue and so I have
simply given some basic facts, and shown that as population grows our ability
to live sustainably on planet Earth becomes more challenging. So this is not a
comfortable book.
Is the text
political? I have tried not to be, but if you advocate changing people’s lifestyles,
then it will appear to be political. Then, we have the concept that everyone on
the planet matters and that the concept of global justice and human rights is important
when assessing the sustainability of our own lifestyles. So trying to avert these
climate-mediated crises by ensuring that everyone has enough for their needs without
being wasteful is a good starting point. However, that starting point has to be
an acknowledgment that all people are equal, and that we should all have the right
to pursue happiness and well-being. Is this naïve? Of course it is, but what
else are we to strive for in a truly global and fair society. Global warming
raises serious social as well as economic questions and many of these are going
to be very difficult to deal with in practice, and my aim is to try and make
you think about these issues from a personal perspective. Can we have finite
economic growth? Can we have finite consumerism? Unfortunately, the answer has
to be no to both of these questions, which means that both economists and
social geographers or planners have a lot of work to do and that we are going
to have to eventually reinvent our economy and social environment to achieve
these goals.
There are also many
other important environmental issues that we also need to consider and many of
these are also linked to global warming such as deforestation, exploitation of
new fossil fuel reserves, intensification of agriculture, and overexploitation
of water resources. However, many of these issues such as pollution, are less
important in the context of global warming, as we now have them largely under
control. We have made huge strides in dealing with air, water, and land
pollution over the past 40 years, and there are scientists and regulatory
bodies all dealing with these issues on an on-going basis. Such issues are
predominately local or at worst regional, but rarely global, and what is
important is that we have the technology and infrastructure to deal with them.
But controlling carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions must now be
everyone’s priority. If we have to reduce carbon emissions by 80 % by 2050 to
avert a global crisis, this will mean using significantly less energy in the developed
world than we currently use, and while this does not necessarily mean an
immediate and huge change in our everyday lives, it does mean changes to our
current lifestyles. This is not going to be easy and the burden has to be shared
by everyone. However, the fact is that people feel very threatened by the idea
of altering their lifestyle, even when change can be for the better.
We also need to
understand that some sectors of society are using more than their fair share of
global resources, but that in the context of global warming everyone must act
responsibly if we are to succeed in mitigating climate change. Those in developing
countries also desire the technology, food, travel, etc. we enjoy, and to break
this cycle we in the developed world need to begin to pull back from our
current high-energy lifestyle while allowing the poorer nations to develop and
become sustainable.
This book will never
be welcomed by those who are pretty happy with the status quo and who have not
become genuinely concerned, possibly scared, by the possibility of what global
warming may do to our home, planet Earth. This is a very general text that
looks at different aspects of our lives which we, as individuals, have control
over. It is simple things like travel, food, recycling, using resources … all those
things which we are all involved in on a daily basis; and how our actions
affect the future of planet Earth and our ability to sustain that ever growing
human population. I hope that this book will help you think and act from a
position of knowledge and reassurance.
I hope that the
majority of you will be reassured that we are beginning to tackle global
warming successfully, but in order to succeed in stabilizing our new climate, and
I believe we can, we need your help through direct action. You really can make
a difference. This book is a personal journey and during it I will be asking
you to do various things. Some are critical others will be just things that I
hope you will try, but to work, I need a commitment from you. The journey is
not free, it comes at a cost, and you have to decide just how much you are
willing to pay for your planet.
is about your future.
Nick Gray
Trinity Centre for the Environment
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Today is Earth #Overshoot Day
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Real time wildfire mapping in the United States
Although we are all watching the current wildfires in California, a more serious situation is occurring in Alaska with thousands of hectares currently affected.
The Geospatial Multi-Agency Co-ordination Group provides real time mapping of current wildfires throughout the United States. Zoom onto the flame showing a wildfire for its perimeter and then click for full details of the size of the fire, exact location and the extent to which it has grown or shrunk over the past 24 hours and also details of how much has been contained. With high temperatures and less rainfall this is the worst season for wildfires to date.
Posted: Nick Gray
Sunday, July 26, 2015
How do climate scientists really feel about global warming!
This remarkable video explores how Australia’s top climate scientists personally feel about global warming induced climate change. They were asked t respond to the question, “How does climate change make you feel?” by Joe Duggan who has compiled their handwritten responses in an exhibition to be shown in August.
posted: Nick Gray
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Germany achieves new energy generation from renewable levels
Germany is making enormous strides in developing its use of
renewables for energy generation which reached 23.4% in 2014,and being one of
the few countries to have a geothermal power station. For a full breakdown and analysis visit
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
U.S. Ecological Deficit Day
Today is US Ecological Deficit Day...for those of you who know all about ecological footprints then you know that we in the developed world are all guilty of exceeding our personal one planet allowance. Today is the day when the US exceeds its national biocapacity and goes into the red (i.e. deficit). Each year it gets earlier and today is that point in the Nation's ecological footprint balance. More information. Should every country adopt an Ecological Deficit bet they should!
Nick Gray
Nick Gray
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Trash is for Tossers: say NO to trash
‘Trash is for Tossers (say NO to trash)’ is the blog of Lauren Singer who is trying to live a zero
waste life in the heart of New York City.
She is sharing her journey towards this excellent goal, although I
suspect it is going to be a tough one. She has one great quote ‘I really
decided that I not only needed to claim to love the environment, but actually live like
I love the environment’. She also gives two
really interesting and helpful definitions:
Waste …’a point
source, meaning it is discarded by its holder with intent of it going to
landfill. Trash is anything a person plans to throw away or anything a person
deems obsolete that is then discarded in a manner where it will not be intended
for re-purposing or reuse even if it unknowingly will be at some point in the
future. ‘
Zero Waste means that I do not produce any garbage. No
sending anything to landfill, no throwing anything in a trash can, nothing.
However, I do recycle and I do compost.
Lauren is really on the right path here and I for one will
be following her journey and learn from her experiences.
Nick Gray
Saturday, July 11, 2015
World Population Day
On the 11th July 1987 the global population
reached 5 billion and to mark this important milestone the United Nations
decided to designate this day each year as World Population Day. On this day organizations around the world
raise awareness of our growing population and the issues that surround a
rapidly growing population. But is also
about celebrating our achievements as well as bringing to our attention the
plight of groups of people around the world.
The theme this year is raising the awareness of vulnerable woman and
children in emergencies. More information
Nick Gray
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Citizen Science Project: Count Flowers for Bees
Dr Eileen Power, a researcher based in Botany at Trinity College Dublin is creating a flower map of Ireland to help conserve pollinators. This will involve sampling as many locations in Ireland at different times of the year to gauge the species and density of flower plants that are to be found. This is a massive undertaking and while Eileen is carrying out surveys of her own she has created an online resource to encourage people from around Ireland to help her get as a complete map as possible.
The Citizen Science Project is asking everyone who has either a camera or smartphone to take some photos of flowers while out walking and upload them to her Flickr Group Page Count Flowers for Bees:
In order to identify which habitats provide the best food for pollinators she needs you to follow the following rules:
- Take a photo of roughly a 1 metre squared patch of ground or hedgerow
- Take 1 photo every 10 metres until you have 10 photos. One metre is equivalent to one long stride.
- Upload photos to Flickr
- Tag the photos FLOWERMAP
- Say where you took photos. You can click 'add to map' in your personal photostream.
- Add the photos to this group
Remember only to take images from Ireland. So please take part in this important research project.
Posted: Nick Gray
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Peak Water...Is Water a Renewable Resource?
Peak Water...Is water a renewable Resource?
water is reached when the rate of water demand exceeds the rate at which
water resources used for supply can be replenished. Therefore, all water
supplies can be considered finite as they can all be depleted by over
exploitation. So while the total
volume of water in the hydrological cycle remains the same, the availability of
water does alter. This is particularly
true of aquifers (groundwater) and static water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs
where the water may take a long time to replenish. So water availability is
strongly linked to rainfall and the ability to retain this water within
resources which is difficult as increasing intensity of water reduces
to increasing demand from population growth, migration to urban centres and for
agriculture, it is possible that a state of peak water could be reached in many
areas if present trends continue. By 2025
it is estimated that 1.8 billion people will be living with absolute water
scarcity and in excess of 4 billion of the world’s population may be
subject to water stress.
question I am often asked is how does a renewable resource become finite? The answer is not as straight forward as
first appears. Water availability is
governed by a number of possible factors: Over-abstraction (i.e. using it before it can be replenish
thereby exhausting the supply and causing significant and often permanent
ecological damage), not returning water to hydrological resources, saltwater
intrusion often caused by over-abstraction, pollution of resources and
finally climate change effects (glacier loss, reduced stream flow, evaporation
of lakes). Comparatively only a very
small amount of water is regularly renewed by rain and snowfall, resulting in
only a small volume of water available on a sustainable basis. So all water supplies have an optimal
abstraction rate to ensure they are sustainable, but once exceeded then
supplies are doomed to failure. As we
saw in Section 3.2, a modified Hubbert curve applies to any resource that can
be harvested faster than it can be replaced. This applies to all water
resources but especially to groundwaters.
Peak water is defined in three different ways
according to the impact on the resource as: peak renewable, peak non-renewable or peak
ecological water.
Peak Renewable Water comes from resources that
are quickly replenished such as rivers and streams, shallow aquifers that
recharge relatively quickly and rainwater systems. These resources are constantly renewed by
rainfall or snow melt; however this does not mean these resources can provide unlimited
supplies of water. If demand exceeds
100% of the renewable supply then the “peak renewable” limit is reached. For many major river catchments globally, the
peak renewable water limit has been reached.
For example, in excess of 100% of the average flow of the Colorado River
is already allocated through legal agreements with the seven US States and
Mexico. So in a typical year the river flow can now fall to zero before it reaches
the sea. Similarly the River Thames can during
periods of low flow fall below the volume of water abstracted. The river is prevented from drying up due to
over-abstraction by returning wastewater after treatment to the river which is
then reused numerous times as it approaches London. Due to the high population within the catchment, the
Environment Agency has classified the area as seriously water stressed with
towns and cities along the length of the Thames such as Swindon, Oxford and
London itself, at risk of water shortages and restrictions during periods of
dry weather.
Peak Non-renewable Water comes from resources that are effectively
non-renewable aquifers that have very
slow recharge rates , or contain ancient water that was captured and
stored hundreds or thousands of years
ago and is no longer being recharged ( a
problem that will be exacerbated by climate change), or groundwater systems
that have been damaged by compaction or other physical changes.
in excess of natural recharge rates becomes increasingly difficult and
expensive as the water table drops which results in a peak of production,
followed by diminishing abstraction rates and accompanied by a rapid decline in
quality as deeper more mineralized waters (i.e. increasingly salty to the
taste) are accessed. Worldwide, a significant fraction of current agricultural
production depends on non-renewable groundwater (e.g. North China plains,
India, Ogallala Aquifer in the Great Plains of the United States) and the loss
of these through over-exploitation threatens the reliability of long-term food
supplies in these regions.
the use of water from a groundwater aquifer far exceeds natural recharge rates,
this stock of groundwater will be depleted or fall to a level where the cost of
extraction exceeds the value of the water when used, very much like oil fields.
The problem is that climate change often results in less rainfall creating a
greater dependence on aquifers for supply.
Peak Ecological Water is water abstracted for
human use which leads to ecological damage greater than the value of the water
to humans. The human population already uses almost 50% of all renewable and
accessible freshwater leading to serious ecological effects to both freshwater
resources and transitional habitats such as wetlands. Since 1900, half of the world’s wetlands have
disappeared while approximately 50% of freshwater species have become extinct
since 1970, faster than the decline of species either on land or in the sea. Water
supports both man’s need and that of its natural flora and fauna. These fragile environments need to be
preserved for overall planet health. The simple fact that water supply quality
is often a close relationship with the ecosystem, with most water bodies able
to self purify its water constantly removing pollutants and improving quality
overall. However, the problem has been in putting an economic value on
ecological systems (sometimes referred to as ecological services) and nature as
a whole; whereas water used by humans can be easily quantified economically. In the mistaken assumption that such values
are zero has led to them being highly discounted, underappreciated, or ignored
in water policy decisions in many areas. Over-abstraction is a major problem in many
rivers in southern England that are fed from the aquifer below. As more groundwater is abstracted then the
water table falls as does the water level in the river.
It is not only rivers that are drying up due
to over abstraction and global warming but some of the largest freshwater lakes
in the world such as the Aryl Sea and Lakes Chad and Victoria in Africa. Link In
the USA, water abstraction and water use peaked during 1975 to 1980 but has
stabilized since. This should have
affected economic growth but has been able to continue to grow by implementing better water
management strategies to satisfy the new needs of industry. This has been achieved through water
conservation, stricter regulations, water efficient and improved technology,
education, water pricing etc. So US
citizens are now using less water per capita than ever before. However,
many regions of the U.S. face water scarcity (e.g. the arid west) and new areas
of water scarcity continue to develop due to climate change (e.g. southeast and
Great Lakes region) which all indicate that peak water has been reached . The
key question is how long can economic growth be sustained without water
becoming a limiting factor? More information.
water shortages affect us in Ireland and the UK? The straight answer is yes, and to some
extent already is. No one is exempt from
the peak water crisis. Due to global warming
most arid regions will probably run out of water in less than two decades. In wetter areas, peak water has been reached
due to: heavy use of water; pollution of resources (often associated with
urbanization); infrastructure not being completed to keep up with demand
(China, India) and finally inadequate infrastructure (London, Dublin).
represents at least 70% of freshwater use worldwide and with the demand for
food soaring, especially as a result of climate change and increasing crop failure
(e.g. China rice failure in 2011) then demand for irrigation and livestock
watering will continue to be a major drain on supplies
Extract from: Gray, N.F. (2015) Facing up to
Global Warming: What is Going on and How You Can Make a Difference, Springer,
New York.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
EU carbon price crisis leads to intervention
![]() | trading-market/2013/05/05/d0729d0a-b5da-11e2-92f3- f291801936b8_graphic.html |
The EU has agreed to carbon market reform measures in an
attempt to deal with the oversupply of carbon credits in the market that has
resulted in a sustained collapse of the traded price for the EU emissions allowance (EUA). Introduction of the market stability reserve
will be brought forward to 2019 in an attempt raise EUA prices which are
currently trading at just €7.66 per tonne
CO2e (May, 2015). Forecasts had suggested that this price would
stagnate or at best rise to between €8.70-18.30 per tonne CO2e by
2020, so the EU has been forced into action.
The new measures are predicted to triple the EUA price by 2020.
In a recent interview Professor Nick Gray of
Trinity College Dublin and author of Facing up to Global Warming welcomed the news but reiterated that ‘the price will
still be well below that required to stimulate either investment in
renewable and alternative energies or mitigation measures. The new measures will of course help to raise
and even stabilize prices, but forecasts have generally been overly optimistic,
so we could still end up with a very low carbon price by the end of the decade. With the cost of carbon-capture predicted to level
out at around €50-60 per tonne of CO2e, we have to ask
ourselves again just how much we should be paying for offsetting
carbon emissions.’
Post: Pete Ferris
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
It’s the 22nd April and it is Earth Day!
Why do we need Earth Day?
Because it works! Earth Day broadens the base of support for
environmental programs, rekindles public commitment and builds community
activism around the world through a broad range of events and activities. Earth
Day is the largest civic event in the world, celebrated simultaneously around
the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities. More than a
billion people participate in Earth Day events and campaigns every year. So you need to start celebrating as well!
We are celebrating Earth Day by releasing details of a new book:
Facing up to Global Warming
What is going on and how you can make a
The book written by Professor Nick Gray, Director of the
Trinity Centre for the Environment at Trinity College Dublin, is based on his
course Living Sustainably: A guide to
surviving a changing planet. The book is
to be published by Springer and is due out in the summer.
To find out more about the book look at its website
To read more about the Earth Day movement and its history use the link:
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development – Project
Here is a very interesting and useful comment about Lecture/Chapter 2 of the new textbook Facing up to Global Warming and thanks to Paul O'Gorman for sharing it:
"I like this fourth element in the
economy-ecology-social nexus, which I found in “Spiritual Dimensions of
Sustainable Development – Project” on the Earth Charter site. The inspiration
for this project crystallized at the Earth Charter +10 Conference in Ahmedabad,
India, which called for deepening the general understanding of sustainable
development that considers sustainability based on distinct but interrelated
ecological, social and economic dimensions. The former Dutch prime minister
Ruud Lubbers stated: "We may even begin to speak about four ‘P's: People,
Planet, Profit and ‘Pneuma' " Earth Charter International Council Co-Chair
Steven C. Rockefeller commented: "There is a fourth pillar - the global
ethical and spiritual consciousness that is awakening in civil society around
the world and that finds expression in the Earth Charter. This global ethical
consciousness is in truth the first pillar of a sustainable way of life,
because it involves the internalization of the values of sustainable human
development and provides the inspiration and motivation to act as well as
essential guidance regarding the path to genuine sustainability."
To learn all about the Earth Charter access their information pack here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
A Pint of Nature for St Patrick's Day
This St Patrick's Day, make yours a pint of nature.
The Irish Forum on Natural Capital (IFNC) has created this infographic to illustrate just how important natural processes are in making a pint of beer, but the same logic applies to every commodity in our lives: from staples like bread and milk to luxuries like lipstick and laptops, nature is at the root of everything.
So let's make it count!
Check out their website and find out what the IFNC are all about:
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Friday, March 6, 2015
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